👋️ Hello there! I’m Ashwin

📚️ I’m a master’s student at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) majoring in Robotics Engineering with a keen interest in Aerial Robotics and UAV Technology. I completed my bachelor’s in Aeronautical Engineering from Manipal Institute of Technology, India.

🦾️ Previously, I worked at the Robotics Research Center, IIIT Hyderabad in collaboration with Arka Aerospace as an intern under the supervision of Dr. Spandan Roy, where I worked on a decentralized multi-agent system of drones for FOD (Foreign Object Debris) detection on runways focusing on path planning and obstacle avoidance.

🥇️ I also participated in the E-Yantra Robotics Competition 2021-22 hosted by IIT, Bombay. Our team won the competition out of 242 teams in the DairyBike theme. Subsequently, I got an opportunity to work at E-Yantra’s summer internship program, where my team implemented a PID controller on an Omnidirectional Micro Aerial Vehicle (OMAV) in simulation environment.

🏎️ Apart from this, I love watching Formula 1 racing and playing pool. I also enjoy solving Rubik’s cube, photography and playing different sports.